Tuesday, February 28, 2017

{spring fever | wish list}

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Okay, it's official. I have spring fever... it probably started when I was in Palm Beach for a friend's wedding and got the sliiightest bit of color. Laying in that sunshine was just the best feeling. The funniest part is four days after I got home I was in NYC for Fashion Week in 7" of snow. Dang, I was really craving a bikini and a margarita then!

This season is all about loose material, fun details, bright accessories, and pretty details (I have more off-the-shoulder stuff than is appropriate... oh well)! I love finding tops that can be worn now with jeans and then paired with shorts or a skirt in the summer. I've already started wearing summer accessories like these earrings - styled in this IG photo - to lift my spirits. The promise of warmer days helps me get through the cold mornings DC has been having.

What styles are you looking forward to wearing in the warmer months? I'm so jealous of all the southern ladies who are already rocking bare legs and open toe shoes! I've linked even more Spring Fever favorites below :)

Love Always,

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

{cashmere work wear}

Black Swing Dress // Polka Dot Tights // BaubleBar Earrings c/o // BaubleBar Ring c/o // Clare V Clutch // Cashmere Wrap // Black Suede Heels (identical in Tan, similar) // NARS Lipstick in “Luxembourg”

I’m always looking for comfortable, easy to throw on outfits for work. I love wearing black in the winter because it just feels right… there’s no other explanation really! I’m a huge color person but black just makes an outfit instantly seem put together. So my grab-and-go work outfits have a lot of black to pull from! I always like to add a fun detail so polka dot tights were a no brainer. They instantly add some personality.  As usual… top it off with some sparkle! I love how these could work during any season!

Side note: I wear this cashmere wrap alllll the time. It’s thin (but warm) enough to wrap around my neck but I love wearing it as a shawl. It’s the perfect amount or extra warmth at work when I get a chill! With the weather getting a little warmer I always keep this on hand for when the wind picks up a bit - no need for a big, bulky jacket when I can just wrap this around my shoulders.

Love Always,

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

{pink + rose gold}

Nordstrom PinkT-Shirt // Old Navy Jeans // Old Navy White Sweater // Coach Crossbody c/o //
Rose Gold Bar Bracelet // Rose Gold Daniel Wellington Cuff // Kendra Scott Necklace // Nordstrom Trolley Booties // Bite Lipstick in “Pastille”

Happy Valentine's Day, friends! I couldn’t help but pull together a very typical “month of love” look with pink and rose gold. This combo is pretty much what I wish I would wear every single day. It just feels so girly! A comfy cotton tee paired with jeans and the coziest sweater will put anyone in a good mood. Toss on booties and a stunning crossbody bag and you’re ready to go out with friends for brunch or head home for the weekend. Bonus points if you can wear this to work… casual Friday anyone?

Love Always,

Monday, February 13, 2017

{valentine's day | bar cart}

I have loved my bar cart since the day I finally purchased it. Before I moved into my studio apartment I constantly thought about buying one but never had the perfect spot for it. Now I’m constantly changing it up, rearranging, and decorating it for any season Target can supply $1 items for ;)

This Valentine’s Day I knew I wanted to deck it with everything pink! I live alone so why not make my little space as girly as I possibly can?! First up was the pink garland – it was a silly purchase but I already have an idea on how I can reuse it (birthdays, bachelorettes, etc).

I then bought some adorable pink glasses, new paper straws, cocktail napkins, and reused the “cheer” stirrers from my Christmas décor! I found almost everything in the holiday section at the front of Target - it's my favorite place to stop by first because everything is $1-$5!

I found a bottle of “Love Noir” wine and mixed it in with my Winc wine purchases.  A cute cliché nod to the holiday don’t ya think?

I always have wine stoppers on hand and this new one from Hudson & Crane reminded me of Cupid’s bow and arrows. I stash all of my wine stoppers (and airplane bottles) in the mercury jar on the top - I kept this one out to act as a weight for the cocktail napkins.

To add the finishing touch I bought Hershy’s Hugs! I always have chocolate around my house… it just adds a festive touch and I like being able to grab a sweet bite on my way out the door. Plus, Valentine’s Day is all about the chocolate! I added more roses and chocolates on my coffee table too.

How do you decorate for the holiday? Do you like seeing home décor posts like this? Let me know in the comments below!

Love Always,
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