Friday, December 19, 2014

{instagram lately | 12.19.14}

WOW has this week been crazy!!! I sincerely apologize for the lack of posts, y'all. I have been non-stop since last Friday. Between wrapping presents (it takes love and care to wrap everything perfectly and tie a perfect bow), holiday parties, happy hours, work deadlines, white elephant gift searching, etc. it's been hard to find some time to just sit down. I've actually gone to bed once this week and forgotten to eat dinner. The horror, I know! It wasn't a fun morning.
Do not fear though… I've found ways to spread some Christmas and Holiday cheer ;) Mainly through some red lipstick (Sephora - Hot Tango) and reindeer sweaters as seen on my instagram! I figured everyone could use a little inspiration for the last week before Santa comes!

Since it's the holidays I HIGHLY recommend checking my instagram Saturday morning! Ohhh let's say maybe around noon-ish ;) ho ho ho

Fair warning my Christmas sweaters are old and hand-me-downs so I attempted to find super similar ones that I would buy for myself :D

Lipstick // Earrings, old (red tassel version) // Bracelet // Sweater (Fair Isle Version!) // Skirt // Heels

Lipstick // Striped Shirt // Sweater // Necklace (gift) // Pants (similar) // Flats

Lipstick // Turtleneck (I'm wearing a M so that it's longer and looser) // Bracelet // Pants // Boots

Mascara - email me for more information if needed - I'll put you in touch with my girl // Sweater // Mug // Gold Cuff // DY Bracelet // Spike Bracelet

Don't you just love having the excuse to dress festive this time of year? I swear it makes getting dressed for work so much more fun! Plus, when you find a good red lipstick for the holidays I can't help but grin. It's finally gotten me out of my black pants slump (aka comfort zone)!!

Does anybody have fun weekend plans? After 5 weeks the boy is FINALLY arriving to the magical city of DC :) We're going to hang out with my favorite guys Friday and then explore Old Town with my roomies on Saturday. It's going to be great to just go with the flow and see lots of friends. Then next week I'll be in Baltimore for Christmas. YAY!! Who is going home for the holidays? I hope you have lots of time off to relax and enjoy yourself!

Love Always,

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