Thursday, February 12, 2015

{valentine's day… gifts for HIM}

Okay, I know what you're gonna say: "but Valentine's Day is all about the girl!" "I have to get him a gift?" "I can't send him flowers. That's not romantic!" 

Ladies - I have the solution for you! It all started when I saw bacon chocolate at a little store last week. It got me thinking… If I want flowers, what would a guy want? If I want jewelry, what would a guy want? If I want chocolate, what would a… ANSWER: bacon. covered. chocolate.
Aaaaand that's how the post was created.

Everything you want --> transformed into guy's wants ;)

[Valentine's Day is about telling the people you love that you love them. You don't have to show your love by getting a gift. It can simply be a kind gesture or caring words written on a piece of paper. It's said over and over again, but, it's truly the thought that counts!]

Pretty simple… You want an accessory so does he!

Guys, if you're reading this I hope you realize how much I just helped you. I basically helped you get a sweet gift while also telling you what to gift your lady. If you don't have a gift yet then head to the mall and follow this list. You can also hand deliver flowers and save a ton! You're welcome.

Don't forget to share the love this weekend. Not everyone is as lucky!

Love Always,


  1. Such a CUTE idea!! Love how you tied both gifts for her and him together. Love the concept! XO


  2. Such a CUTE idea!! Love how you tied both gifts for her and him together. Love the concept! XO



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