Since I obviously love to plan ahead and think up fun outfits… I've started thinking about what on earth I'm going to wear for Valentine's Day?! I've got a fun date night planned out so I need to find the perfect outfit to go with it. My only problem? It's going to be freezing and I just want to wear a dress. [So over pants but I'm always cold cold cold!] Ugh. So I thought I would share my two ideas with y'all to help anyone else with this dilemma - if you order now they will get here by next weekend! What style is everyone going with? I tend to go more classic on dates and when I'm out with my girls I rock an edgier twist. Girls tend to dress more for other girls anyways ;)
For my cold weather babes:
The "classic" style - transparent black tights, sexy black pumps, and a cashmere wrap. Keep a red lip going with a smile and you'll never let on that you're freezing!
The "edgy" style - pile on gold bracelets, wear an amazing leather jacket and… forget it, I would suck up the cold and wear those amazing shoes! If you're out with girls then it's time to dance!
Love Always,
Okay, so I LOVE the first option (white dress). But you know me, I'm more on the conservative side, haha. The pink number is HOT, so probably more what your boo would like to see, ha! Can't go wrong either way!!