Wednesday, July 16, 2014

{something about skorts}

Skorts... the combination of a skirt + shorts. These aren't just for those awkward middle school days anymore, ladies (because the plaid skort I wore in TX in 6th grade was... yeah... I was a bean pole with chicken legs and frizzy hair)!
I have worn a skort out two weekends in a row and every one gets so excited about it! It's like having a bit of the 90s back without the scrunchies (now I'm going to go play N*Sync...)

This pink was just so pretty I couldn't pass it up! Yes, I'm the epitome of girly in this outfit with my sparkly tassel necklace and wedges... but hey, why not? I can look cool and edgy the next time ;)

I've linked a ton of skorts up above. All ranging in prices! I like to think that not always spending a lot of money on something is okay (even if it rips after 2 wears). I mean hi... I'm paying off a lot of college loans right now. I tend to save my money to splurge on really nice things that I know I'm going to get a ton of use out of: bags, shoes, classic jewelry. So if something cool pops up but I'm iffy about it, I get it for a low price tag and give it a whirl! If I like it enough then I look into something with more intricate details of better craftsmanship. Besides, investing in a bit of a childhood flashback was A-OK in my book for now so this skort gets a gold star and an A+!

What 90s trend will come back next?
Love Always,

PS. follow along with my office outfits and daily shenanigans here!
There have been some other "skort spottings" :)

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