Monday, July 20, 2015

{flywheel + vaseline}

This past Saturday my roomies and I went to our very first Flywheel class! We had all been to a couple of spin classes at other places so we were excited to try somewhere new on a rainy morning. We were really excited because not only was our first class free but shoes were free too (if you've been other places you know that little things like this can really add up if you go a couple of times).

We walked in and were instantly greeted by the front desk and told where everything was. When you sign up for the class you put in your shoe size and they are waiting for you in a cubby with your bike number. We grabbed a locker, switched into our spin shoes, made sure our water bottles were full, and then waited outside for our class to start!

The coolest part about Flywheel? There's a bit of competition involved… a score board gets shown occasionally at the front of the class and you can see who is racing ahead of everyone else (spoiler: I didn't make it on the board but one of my roommates got 6th!). The class had awesome music and our instructor, Gregg P, kept everyone motivated and made us feel like a unit. There was no yelling like I had been told haha :) He really focused on us staying on beat with the music and taking it up a notch while letting it all "fly".

After the class - I felt like it went by pretty quickly looking back on it - we slowly walked out and I made a beeline for the water cooler. I thought this built in feature was so cute!

We had quick showers and then enjoyed the amenities Flywheel offered! They had everything from makeup wipes and lotion to towels and hair dryers. I was really excited to try the new Vaseline spray (I've seen the commercial with the girl who sprays it all over and gets dressed in one swift motion multiple times) and test it out for myself.

I was still sweating after the class and shower (TMI sorry but it was a serious workout) so I was cautious about putting it on… Well, I was definitely impressed!! I'm one of those girls who wears lotion year round but dreads it in the summer. It makes me feel really sticky and gross but it's necessary because my skin is dry from being out in the summer sun. This Vaseline spray went on quickly and was really light weight so it was easy to rub in. It dried instantly and I couldn't even feel the lotion once it dried. I used the cocoa scent (brown bottle) and felt like I was smelling the beach. It seems like the aloe scent (green bottle) was the most popular because it was all out.

I can't wait to go back to Flywheel and try out another class… they even offer FlyBarre! Have you been to Flywheel before? Have you tried the new Vaseline spray? I'd love to hear what you thought!!

***This post was sponsored by Flywheel and Vaseline but all opinions are my own… I endured the intense and sweaty 45 minute class!!
Thank you for supporting the brands that keep Southern Anchors going!***

Love Always,


  1. I've always wanted to try a spin class, but I'm kinda scared because of all that I've heard and how they seem to be so exhausting! If I ever move back to the city, a spin class is definitely one of the first things on my to do list.

    Running Alyssa


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