Tuesday, March 7, 2017

{the liketoknow.it app is here}

If you're a blogger then you've known this app was coming for some time now... however, we had no clue how awesome and easy it was actually gonna be! Shopping your favorite bloggers instagrams is now as easy as taking a screenshot. No, seriously, all you have to do is download an app and screenshot your favorite photos. This new technology is incredible. Don't worry - you can still "like and shop" the old way and get emails! I detailed all of that out in this blog post.

I'm breaking it down step by step below to help you (visually) know how easy this is!

Step 1 // Download the app, connect your Instagram to it and allow it to have access to your screenshots (it's only interested in the LTK enabled ones, don't worry)

Step 2 // Screenshot a post in Instagram. You'll then get a notification saying "your screenshot by @____ is ready to shop!"

Step 3 // Go shop it in the app!

Step 4 // Explore even more ready-to-shop photos from the Influencer you were just interested in by scrolling down on the photo past the product links. There's also a "discover" tab on the bottom right to find new accounts that you can shop (similar to the explore tab in Instagram)!

Step 5 // Keep all of your likes and screenshots in one place. It's like a mini shopping feed that you just created for yourself :)

A couple of things to note:
-Liking a photo will still populate your feed in your app AND it will send you an email. If you don't want to receive emails anymore you can change your settings through the LIKEtoKNOW.it website!
-Deleting a photo from your photo album won't delete it from your app's feed.
-This technology also works on Insta stories, Pinterest, Snapchat, and Facebook! Whenever you see the LTK icon in the bottom corner (it's the circle with a heart in it like the image below - it will be white or black), that's a visual cue that the photo is enabled through the app.
-If an Instagram photo doesn't have the watermark icon that's okay - it's still shoppable as long as it has the usual LTK trio (http://liketk.it/2qBX7 #liketkit @liketoknow.it). 

Still uncertain and confused? Go into your app to check out the "frequently asked questions" - click into the discover tab, tap on the little screw symbol on the top right hand side to get into settings and then scroll to the bottom (right above the log out button). It's super helpful! If you still have more questions check out this video that the LTK team put together! I always love a good visual aid :) and of course feel free to email me! I'm always here when I forget to tag an item or you need sizing help!

So what do you think of this new app? Are you excited? I think it will make shopping so much easier (and I love the idea of having everything in one place) but I'm curious to hear what y'all think!

Now let's all go to Instagram and test it out!! I have a new photo up that's showing off my two favorite new spring purchases ;) Screenshot it and see where they're from in the LIKEtoKNOW.it app!

Love Always,

1 comment:

  1. This is such a great app!
    Xo, Elizabeth


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