If you've been following me on Instagram you've probably noticed a new hashtag and link at the end of some of my posts that look like "
This allows you to figure out exactly where I got something from without having to ask where I got it, what's the name, what's the exact item, etc. If it's sold out I always try and link something similar. I've been shopping other blogger's instagrams like this for awhile so I felt like it was time to explain to y'all how it works - and it's so simple!
Step 1: Sign up with LIKEtoKNOW.it by registering your email address
Step 2: Like any photo that has this in the caption "@liketoknow.it www.liketk.it/1nQWP #liketkit" (the URL will change for every photo)
Step 3: You'll receive an email that contains ready to shop products! It looks like this…
Here's the best part about these emails - you don't have to get one for every single photo (even though I like to get them right away). You can choose to have them sent daily or weekly. So you will get an email at the end of every day that contains shopping details for every post that you liked with a liketk.it url tag!
If this doesn't make sense then check out the video below :) The people at LIKEtoKNOW.it totally understand us visual ladies (and guys!!)
I'm obsessed with this program because it allows me to continue to share my daily outfits - not everything I wear is put on the blog (I re-wear things all the time and that would make a very boring blog if it was the same thing all the time haha) and sometimes I want to share a new shirt I got before it sells out so I share it via Instagram! So, instead of multiple people texting me or commenting on the photo asking where something is from… with LIKEtoKNOW.it I've already found and linked it for you. That means you don't have to wait for me to respond and tell you the store… and then you have to search for it online… and then not be sure if that's it or not… you get my drift. Imagine if I told you something was from Nordstrom? Um yeah, Nordstrom has a lot of clothing on its website. Yikes! (Plus, my internet is horrible at work so I don't even see if I got likes/comments/notifications half the time!)
You like a photo --> you get an email --> you get the direct link --> happy customer --> happy Jenn that I helped you find something you love :)
Don't you want to sign up now?!
Thanks so much for reading y'all! You can catch up and shop all my Instagram outfits below!
Thanks so much for reading y'all! You can catch up and shop all my Instagram outfits below!
It should also be noted that I may make a commission from any purchases through these affiliate links. It's basically like I'm making a tiny percentage by being a personal shopper for you.
Love Always,
Love Always,
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