Friday, December 23, 2016

{last minute christmas shopping}

Photography by Laura

Normally I have all of my Christmas shopping completed by Cyber Monday... I've made my lists before I go home for Thanksgiving, have budgeted everything out, gotten shipping addresses, and then everything is wrapped during the first two weeks of December. To say that didn't happen this year would be quite an understatement. I didn't wrap anything until I got home yesterday and I still have things to buy for friends and family. Oh, and those Christmas cards? They're going to become New Year's cards... Life just got in the way :)

So today, I'm going to go out with my little sister and knock everything out before Christmas Eve! I'll be running around in this easy combo - my J.Crew vest is always a go to because I hate lugging a heavy coat around through the stores.

Any other last minute shoppers out there?!

Love Always,

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