Tuesday, June 17, 2014

{this is happening!}

Well hello, lovely readers!

I'm currently in the process of FINALLY getting this blog set-up! It's been a dream of mine to produce my own blog for the past 3 years and I'm about to get it under way :) Check back soon as I begin to learn the in's and out's of blogging!

Thanks for checking in (for the first time)!

Love Always,


  1. Hi Jennifer! I just discovered your blog, and followed it with bloglovin'. The design layout is a great, clean and professional look! A quick tip would be to get rid of the nav bar at the top.

    1. Hi Paige! Thank you so so so much for your comment! This layout thing ain't easy! I will figure out how to get rid of it asap (to be honest I didn't know y'all as the readers could see it too haha)
      thanks for reading :) xoxo

    2. When you login to blogger go to the layout section. Then click on edit Navbar to turn it off. Just tweet me at @prsophisticated if you have any questions, I would be happy to help!


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